Manas Defence academy

Best SSB Coaching in Dehradun

If you’re looking to join the Indian Armed Forces, you’ll have to pass the Services Selection Board (SSB) interview, which is a rigorous process that evaluates your physical fitness, mental abilities, and leadership potential.

About Best SSB Coaching in Dehradun

If you’re looking to join the Indian Armed Forces, you’ll have to pass the Services Selection Board (SSB) interview, which is a rigorous process that evaluates your physical fitness, mental abilities, and leadership potential. The SSB interview is a critical step in the recruitment process, and it’s essential to prepare adequately for it.

While it’s true that some people are naturally suited to the rigours of the SSB interview, there’s no substitute for proper training and coaching. Our SSB interview coaching can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, hone your leadership skills, and develop a winning strategy to tackle the interview.

With our SSB interview coaching, you’ll receive expert guidance from experienced trainers who have a thorough understanding of the selection process. They’ll help you develop a comprehensive plan that covers all aspects of the interview, including physical fitness, group discussions, psychological tests, and personal interviews.Moreover, our SSB interview coaching will give you the opportunity to practice and refine your skills in a simulated interview setting. This will help you build confidence and get used to the stressful environment of the SSB interview.

If you’re serious about joining the Indian Armed Forces, Joining our SSB interview coaching is a smart decision. With expert guidance and the right training, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle the selection process and achieve your dream of serving your country.

Manas Defence Academy

Eligibility Criteria

Service Selection Board (SSB) Interview Process:


  • Document Check
  • Documents Check
  • Form filling
  • Testing
  • Verbal, non-verbal intelligence test
  • Picture Perception description test (PPDT), etc.

Note: This day is very important for everyone. Those candidates who clear this round will stay for the further days of the Interview and the rest of the candidates will be sent back home.


Following Tests Will Be Conducted:

  • Thematic Apperception Test
  • Word Association Test
  • Situation Reaction Test
  • Self-Description Test etc.


GTO Task Round:

  • GTO (Group Testing Officers)
  • Group discussion
  • Group planning exercise
  • Progressive group task
  • Half-group task
  • Individual obstacle task
  • Command task
  • Group obstacle task etc


Personal Interview:Examiners have complete discretion in the Personal Interview phase, and they may ask any questions they like, both about you and the exam material. You should answer each question with a minimal amount of detail. Throughout the SSB Interview, there are proper cues for how to present yourself, act, and reply. Prepare thoroughly for the Interview, and you’ll have a good chance of succeeding.


Conference: The convention day is largely a check or activity. This is the day when you’ll be instructed on your result. All the applicants who clean the Interview will continue for additional stages of selection. Most possibly that might be a medical examination.

Get In Touch

Kaulagarh Rd, Near RIMC, Rajender Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001

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